Comedian M.S.Narayana after turning into Nawab Basha is now turned into Crazywala as a lead role. The movie is about Aam Aadmi Party and dealing with current day politics. Another movie Nawab Basha is about Nawabs of Hyderabad dealing with money and directed by Rajesh Putra. The movie is also features Rahul, Nagma and Varun. Narayana says he is happy to play such roles which entertain the audiences.
M.S.Narayana turns into Crazywala
Comedian M.S.Narayana after turning into Nawab Basha is now turned into Crazywala as a lead role. The movie is about Aam Aadmi Party and dealing with current day politics. Another movie Nawab Basha is about Nawabs of Hyderabad dealing with money and directed by Rajesh Putra. The movie is also features Rahul, Nagma and Varun. Narayana says he is happy to play such roles which entertain the audiences.
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