Microsoft has already announced that the Windows 8 will be launched in October. Now, it has come up with the details on the editions of Windows 8 that will be released. The tablets powered by this platform are expected to become rivals to the Apple’s new iPad.
The tablets and PCs with the x86 processors will have Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro versions. As per the company, the former will be the best for a majority of the devices. It will have updated Window explorer, better multi monitor support, task manager and can switch between languages. The last feature was available in the Ultimate/Enterprise editions.
Windows 8 Pro will help technical and business professionals to get a broad set of the technologies. It will have all the features of encryption, PC management, domain connectivity and virtualization.
Windows RT is the other edition. It is also known as Windows on WOA or ARM and the newest member of the family. It will be pre-installed on PCs and tablets that are powered by ARM processors. It will help in thin and lightweight form factors with impressive battery life. It also supports the touch versions of Microsoft Excel, Word, OneNote and PowerPoint.
Samsung is also planning to launch smartphones powered by this operating system. Even Nokia will release a tablet with Windows 8 this year.
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