Jr NTR's much awaited movie of the year Dammu which was released grandly on April 27 created new record with first day collections. The producers of the movie KS Rama Rao and his son K A Vallabaha conducted a success meet and announced the share of the movie official. As per the producers, Dammu collected a record share of Rs 13 Crore world wide on first day of release.
The movie collected Rs 9 Crore in Andhra Pradesh. This figure is more than Ram Charan's recent release Racha first day collection. If this is the case, the first day openings are greater than Osaravelli and Businessman first day collections. Though this first records solely depend on the record number of theaters and movie's reception is completely immaterial, producers always take this as a prestige and they leave no time in announcing records.
In spite of getting mixed reviews from critics the movie is making record openings at box office. The film which was made with a budget of around Rs 34 Crore, made a tremendous openings on first day. As per the producers the movie was released with 1400 prints world wide on first day of release.
Here are the breakdowns for shares.
Ceded - 2.6 crores
Nellore - 34 lakhs
Guntur - 1.11crores
Krishna - 52 lakhs
West Godavari -60 lakhs
East Godavari - 61 lakhs
Vizag - 46 lakhs
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