Mahesh Babu's movie with Sukumar went on floors from the 23rd of this month. According to highly reliable sources, Mahesh Babu is extremely pleased with the way the script has shaped up. Sukumar has reportedly worked hard on the characterization of Mahesh Babu and the treatment of his character is the reason behind the superstar's satisfaction.However the latest we hear is movie hit first stumbling block in the form of a viral attack on Mahesh Babu.
It is reported that shooting has been cancelled for few days. For the past five days, the film was being shot in Annapurna 7 acres in Hyderabad and a rock song was being canned on Mahesh. Sources close to the film unit informed us that Mahesh Babu developed dust allergy all of a sudden a little while ago.
The film unit was concerned about his health and Sukumar decided to cancel the shooting for the day so that Mahesh Babu can take rest and recover completely. However, there’s no need to panic and we hear that Mahesh Babu is doing fine now. Kajal joined the crew yesterday and as per the original plan, the song was supposed to be canned till April 30. Anil Sunkara, Achanta Ram and Gopichand are producing the film on 14 Reels Entertainment banner.
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