Power star Pawan Kalyan who has reached the top with the thumping blockbuster 'Gabbar Singh' went through a string of flops before that. One among them was also his movie 'Teen Maar'. But right now, we are not talking about the film but the authentic dance form of Teen Maar which is quite famous in Telangana region. Apparently, Pawan created quite a flutter when he did few moves in 'Gabbar Singh' but here is another update. It is heard that this time, Pawan is all set to come up with a total Teen Maar dance feast. This is happening for his new movie 'Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu' which is currently on with the shooting. Crazy director Puri Jagannadh came up with this idea and it is heard that there will be a complete folk song which will see Pawan in his best of Teen Maar steps. The film also has the milky white beauty Tamannah in a very different avatar which would be another attraction. Get set for this one folks!!
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